Id33B6: Free News Letter From[]

joi, 19 ianuarie 2012

Free News Letter From[]

Free News Letter From[]

7 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 06:13 PM PST

Blogging is one of the most effective forms of social media marketing. There are more than 175 million blogs out there and it is hard to stand out for a new blogger. Here let’s see some common blogging mistakes that every blogger should avoid to make his/her blog stand out from the crowd. Common Blogging [...] Related posts:
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4 WordPress Plugins to Protest SOPA

Posted: 17 Jan 2012 03:59 AM PST

On January 18th, many sites including Reddit and Wikipedia will be protesting SOPA,a bill that will be voted on January 24, 2012.If you are running a website or blog and interested to take participate in this blackout,you can do this by installing a simple wordpress plugin. Most of the plugins will automatically blackout your site [...] Related posts:
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