Id33B6: The New SEO Rules (Are You Applying This To Your Business?)

sâmbătă, 21 ianuarie 2012

The New SEO Rules (Are You Applying This To Your Business?)

Hey Fellows
I have had a ton of people ask me, Craig Why
don't you do SEO.

Why I'm not obsessed with Google like everyone
else seems to be online.

Why I don't obsess over google like alot of
other marketers online.

Well, the reason why for me is because it's...

* slow
* boring
* super irritating
* takes way too much time

Plus your rankings can drop like a sumo wrestler at any time
because Google decides your outcome.

Yeah, we all been there :)

And that's why I don't undertand why so many people
are obsessed with SEO.

I mean come on now??

How many of you have created a six-figure business
from search engine traffic?

I bet none!

Most people think it's some kind of magic Genie.

But very few people actually know why they're chasing
after it so desperately.

I admit...

I used to be an SEO freak.

But then I found a better way.

Being a slave to Google made me smell worse than a
dog farting in the wind.

So instead I turned into the Marketing Gorilla
that I am today. Testing and tweaking different
ways to get my site better ranked on Google

And guess what I found?

Well I found that Google doesn't rank your
site on traditional SEO anymore but instead
Google wants to know who you are before they
grant TOP rankings for your site. So, your
social influence is now the key metric for
ranking your sites.

More on that in a sec :)

But I really want you to think about WHERE
you're spending your time.

All of those so-called 'gooroos' love teaching
about SEO because it ALWAYS seems to be a hot

But.. where are 'THEY' actually getting most
of their traffic from?

There not, that's the problem.

Instead they are selling there services to people
like you and making you promises that they will
rank your site on the first page of google and will
get you a ton of traffic

Lets get real here for a minute.

If the SEO GoooRooos can rank your sites so well
and get you boatloads of traffic then why don't
they just do it for themselves and make millions
off affiliate sales.

Think about it?

If you want to figure out how to rank your site
better then check out my blog post..

Why spin your wheels every day hoping and praying.

There's a better way...

And if you need any Google therapy, feel free to hit
me up anytime. I can work wonders pounding a hammer
into your thick skull. J/K

Talk Soon

- Craig

605 morrison, Salisbury, NC 28146, USA

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