Full Circle Podcast LogoThe Full Circle Podcast Episode 28: A Year in Comedy is available now from the main site.

This episode contains fewer facts than usual.

It's a New Year. It's January. We're on something of a break, so that can only mean a cheap, and frankly brain-numbingly lazy, listen back to the year 2011. This could be the best, or worst idea we've ever had.

Our thanks to all our co-hosts, guests, correspondents and contributors.

Select brain to 'neutral', put your laughing trousers on stand-by and enjoy.

Full Circle Podcast is also a proud member of the Tech Podcasts Network.

File Sizes:

  • OGG 16.9Mb
  • MP3 12.5Mb

Runtime: 34mins 48seconds

Feeds for both MP3 and OGG:
RSS feed MP3RSS feed, MP3: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/category/podcast/feed
RSS feed OGG audio file
RSS feed, OGG: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/category/podcast/feed/atom