Id33B6: [Google Analytics] #3: Create and Measure Goals in GA

joi, 19 ianuarie 2012

[Google Analytics] #3: Create and Measure Goals in GA

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Eugen Oprea
Lesson #3: Create and Measure Goals in Google Analytics

In the first lesson of this course you have set up your business objective and from those objectives the goals you have for your website.

Now it’s time to add those goals into your Google Analytics account and start to measure how your website performs towards the goals you have setup in the first lesson.

But why should you track goals?

The main benefit of goal tracking is that you can measure the success of your online marketing campaigns and see exactly which one performs better.

You will be able to see which of your referrers have send you goo traffic that brought you sales or which of the pay-per-click ads have the most ROI.

Goal tracking can help you check your SEO efforts too, because you can see which of the keywords you have optimized for convert better and what SEO tactics are ineffective.

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