Id33B6: Did you miss it? I've got you covered...

duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

Did you miss it? I've got you covered...

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Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening - depending on which time zone you are in.

I promised you some changes in the way you and I talk and here's
what's going on.
1. I will continue to email you some of the best tips I know of - the ones
I don't tell the whole world about on my blog.
2. New: I will send you a weekly digest of Traffic Generation Cafe posts
just in case you didn't have a chance to stop by during the week: I know
how busy it can get!
3. New and extremely exciting: I decided to bring my Blog Audit Fridays
Just in case you have no idea what I am talking about, you can take a look
at some of them here:
Yes, they might be rough on your ego, but extremely helpful - I'll show you
what the problem areas and bottlenecks are, what you can do to change
things around, AND will sent some traffic your way because these audits
will be published on my blog.
Are you in?
I thought so...
All you need to do to qualify is to remain an active subscriber
on my list.

What do I mean by "active"?

Open my emails, check out my blog every once in a while, share my 
blog posts with your followers - the kind of thing you are already doing
And if you are not, then what's the point of being on my list, right? lol
 I'll randomly pick one of the active email addresses on my list each
month for my audit.
Here's what you might've missed at Traffic Generation Cafe this week: 
There are many things that affect how many people sign up to your
list - things you might never have thought about.
In this post I'm going to show you 6 little-known factors that could be reducing your email opt-ins.
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There has been a lot of fuss about Yahoo! Site Explore closing down and everyone seems to be searching for alternatives.
Sure, the choices are plentiful, but who's got the time to dig through them?
Apparently, I do.
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A follow-up to the first post. 
It's not as important (or difficult) to build a huge email list, but if no one
opens your emails, what's the point?
This post is loaded with tips on how to check your list's pulse.
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As usual, your retweets and shares are GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks for sharing your time with me today and talk to you soon,

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Hire me as your eBusiness Coach
Promote your Site at TGC

PS Don't forget to add me on Google+!

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PO Box 11300, Marana, AZ 85658, USA

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