Id33B6: Fellows, this is the secret

duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

Fellows, this is the secret

Hi Fellows
Yesterday we touched on the fact that top
earners don't chase their family around and
beg them to join their business.
They do this and ONLY this: 
(Hopefully yesterday you went and picked up Mike
Dillard's infamous course...this course includes
concepts that ALL top earners embrace! Here's the 
link again just in case...
...if you don't get this part of the equation right
then NOTHING else matters!)
Lets continue Fellows...
NEWSFLASH: you have 2 target markets.
1)  Current Network Marketers
2)  People Actively Looking To Get Involved In
Network Marketing
And they don't care about your business or
how great your product is or how great a track
record your company has.
They already have a business...and 97 networkers
out of 100 that you speak to are losing more money
than they're making!
So what is it that your prospects are REALLY 
looking for?
People want to understand how to MARKET their 
business so they can actually make some money, 
People want to find a real LEADER who can actually 
show them exactly how to overcome their challenges
and get results.
Those are the 2 reasons people are going to join you...
They either see you as a leader who can help move 
them closer to their goals...
Or you have a marketing system, skills, or knowledge...
that will help them make money.
When you know how to do BOTH of those things...
people will literally be sucked to you like you're a
marketing magnet.
When you know knowledge like we teach here and on
my have serious advantages over 99.9%
of the other network marketers out there...
There literally is ZERO competition.
(this is an extension of yesterday's lesson...this
is how VITAL attraction marketing is. We want to 
make sure we build a solid foundation before moving
forward together so we've put together some free videos
for YOU!)
Oh, and get this...
Instead of you having to build a website from 
scratch that positions you as a leader, learn html, 
test, tweak, and then learn how to make it into a
duplicable system for your team IF you ever see
results, we've completed this painful process for you:
In a few days you learn how to truly leverage yourself
and build relationships with thousands of people all at
once.  Now THAT is exciting!
Stay tuned...
Tyler Pratt
(941) 404-5529
PS: just put together an email marketing ebook 
to help my teammates, let me know if  this would 
help you, reply back if you are interested

Win With Tyler, 12506 Wightwater, Bradenton, Florida 34202, USA

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