Id33B6: [Google Analytics] #2: Add Google Analytics to Your Website

duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

[Google Analytics] #2: Add Google Analytics to Your Website

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Eugen Oprea
Lesson #2: Add Google Analytics to your website

Hey, good to see you again! I hope you enjoyed the first lesson and that you're looking forward for the next ones.

Before starting with Google Analytics you need to create an account and install the tracking code on your website. The tracking code will send Google Analytics data about how your visitors interact with your website, data which will later be presented to you in some fancy reports.
How to create a Google Analytics account
In order to create a Google Analytics account, you will first need a Google account. But don't worry, you will get one while you're signing up for Google Analytics.
So, head over to and sign up for a Google Analytics account or access you account if you have one.
During the setup you will need to fill in some information, such as your website name, contact information and finally you will get the tracking code.
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