Id33B6: How Instagram Harnesses the Awesome Power of Mobile, Social Media and Photos: 3 Success Stories

luni, 16 ianuarie 2012

How Instagram Harnesses the Awesome Power of Mobile, Social Media and Photos: 3 Success Stories

I have a friend who won't stop taking photos of food whenever she eats out. It seems that no matter what restaurant (except for McDonald's or KFC and I don't think they qualify as restaurants) the experience seems to turn into a full photo shoot.

Every angle is explored and the correct lighting is required.

At this stage there isn't mood music to accompany the visuals, but I am half expecting a string quartet to become involved at some stage.

The next step is for the agent to show up and a movie director.

Why is This Happening?

The convergence of technology has produced a device (smartphone) that can take the photo in high definition and publish it to Facebook and Twitter before the food is even cold. Five minutes later you can check  to see if any of your friends have left a comment, shared or "liked" it!

This visual self expression and sharing culture combines the power of three.

  1. People's obsession with their iPhone (read smartphone)
  2. Engagement power of Facebook
  3. The love of photos that seems to have been reinforced with the easy availability of the camera in your pocket

The only challenge for marketers is how to harness that through a touch of creativity.

How to Take Advantage of this Obsession

Marketers have realised for a long time the power of images to motivate and engage people.  There are many business categories that can leverage social, mobile and photos to make their content contagious.

There is one very unassuming mobile app that emulates the simplicity of Twitter but is starting to make its presence felt that is playing with the power of "3".

That "app" is Instagram.

Instagram is a free photo sharing application that you can download to your smartphone, that allows users to take photos, apply a filter, and share it on the service or a variety of other social networking services, including Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Tumblr, Flickr , and Posterous

Here are 3 Instagram Success Stories..Read more of this article, 78 Justin Street, Lilyfield, NSW 2040, AUSTRALIA

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