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Social media SEO v/s customer engagement

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 02:30 PM PST

What happens when social media is incorporated with search engine optimization? You can see two different results. The expected results of social media strategy used via the method of search engines are pretty different from the results of social media tactics being used for the improvement of customer engagement. This is certainly a vital distinction to realize since the blend of search engine optimization (SEO) and social media prove to be great tool and what you see is different results in business value. Let's explore the idea of social media and SEO against the customer engagement in the following article.

The social media for SEO: With the help of SEO, the customers are able to connect with different brand content via their favorite search engines. The content both with quality and quantity are being rewarded with better search rankings, thus bringing in a good amount of traffic which is eventually turning out in product sales. With such strategies which revolve around the customer lifecycle, the SEO is playing a key role in rendering information at all the touch points. In this way the consumers are reaching at point or information which they are looking out for. The SEO experts are able to use the social networks, book marking services and news to attract a number of links. With these links you get traffic and at the same time are able to discover the rank content. The social participation targets the content formats and mining topics which also help people to get good and unique traffic and links from the number of people including the bloggers, readers, site owners, journalists.

The social media for customer engagement: As per the studies a majority of corporate social media initiatives are being taken care by the department of public relations. They often target on things like creating an awareness, engagement, influence and relationship building things. With the help of good relationship with consumers and the industry influential factor you build the business brand and inculcate positive association which the brand promises. With strong brand you see the boost in sales since most of the consumers are aware of their brand value and trust them for the solutions. The social media programs moves around customer engagement which can be accomplished with things like the content, peer networking, tools, or the special drives that compels them to participate and get the recognition. The social media for customer engagement is meant to create awareness, trust, and a boost in shorter and higher sales besides getting good customer retention.

You will find better way through the social media and SEO: The blend of social media and SEO works the best with good content. Therefore devising a proper content marketing strategy the brands are able to target and influence the prospective consumers. Besides, the business brand also improves in terms of visibility over the search engine results both for the website and social media contents. This eventually works for building good relationship with the customers.

Two groups- the social media and SEO which often remained separate however is seen together these days for moving ahead in business for better customer relationship and engagements. The SEO experts are now sitting together with the social media experts since they realize the impact these sites over the internet. Hence the social media experts now enjoy enhanced kind of customer engagement with the help of proper SEO programs. In this way you get new people and unique visitors over the social media engagement platforms.

About the author: Alia Haley is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and autos. Beside this she is fond of cameras and watches. Recently an article on Nikon Coolpix L120 attracted her attention. These days she is busy in writing an article on Golf Carts.

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