Id33B6: Re: JV with Jeff Day 4 Placing Classified Ads

marți, 17 ianuarie 2012

Re: JV with Jeff Day 4 Placing Classified Ads

Make Money Online,
Make Money At Home Graphic

Hi Fellows,

You can read today's training online here:

O.K. Today we are going to talk about a short way to promote
online if you have no website of your own. If you can write one
paragraph you can make money online placing classified ads.

Placing classifed ads are a great way to get backlinks to your
website and to attract immediate traffic if you write a good
enough ad.

This little underated technique is something any one of you can
start doing today and get results the very same day. Just by
writing like you talk. Nothing more than that.

First of all if you have not already done so join USFreeAds as
an affiliate here:

Google loves this company and placing free ads that get read by
the visitor as well as by Google can give you all kinds of free

Once you are set up as an affiliate you are going to want to
take a free trial. I chose the Premium Membership free trial for
3 days because it gives me a chance to place unlimited ads and I
want to promote the various programs and products I am in.

This is going to include promoting pre-selling web pages I write
(more on this in another training), as well as promoting the
sales pages of and special products for the Plugin Profit Site,
SFI, and on and on we go.

O.K. once you have a free trial going let's talk about writing a
classifed ad. People basically do things for 2 reasons.

1. To avoid pain

2. To gain pleasure

Try and put yourself in the reader's mind. What is their pain
right now. If you are offering a way to make money think about
why they might need more money.

1. Pay bills
2. Quit their job
3. Financial crisis
4. Health reasons
5. Want to work at home
6. Kids college


So what I would do is write my ad like this

Heading: How To Make Money At Home

Body: Do you need to make more money? Visit our top rated money
making website for hundreds of ideas on how you can get started
making money today.

Make money ideas, articles, opportunities,and free how to make money
newsletter. Anyone can make money on the internet if they had someone
to help them. I can help you.

You get the idea. Almost every affiliate program has classifed
ads you can use. I suggest re-writing them a little to
personalize them and make them different from what everyone else
is doing. Or just write some of your own.

If you have personal experience with the product or program write
what you like about it. Chance are if you can explain why you like
it someone else may want to like it too!

Keep your ad short and to the point. And do lots of them. The
more ads you write the better. That is why the premium
membership with USFreeAds is so good. You can place as many ads
as you want in all kinds of different categories.

Sometimes what happens is you know you should write an article,
but you are just to tired to do it today. On days like that go
and place 5 ads. You can quickly do this by coming up with 5
different headings and making a few changes in the body of the

Just doing this everyday can make a huge difference in your
income. You need to have eyes viewing your products to make a

To go thru the steps to writing a good ad I am going to refer
you here. They cover how to write a good ad, how to write a good
title, how to write a good description, what not to do when
creating an ad, etc..etc..

Let me say that I am now using USFreeAds myself to advertise
hundreds of products and programs. They are hands down the best
classified advertising source I have found. But of course they
are not the only game in town so here are more places you can
place classified ads.

Do a Google search for best classified ad sites and you will
come up with hundreds of places to place ads as well.

For those of you who would like an in depth look at thinks like
your customer here is a excellent report on creating a marketing

If I was you I would write one article and place 5 classifed ads
every day for 90 days and see how your business is doing. You
can do this in 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day. Is that worth your time
to make more money.

Focus....Focus....Focus. Don't get bogged down reading all of the
emails you are getting. Write an article, submit it, and place
classifed ads everyday.

This will make a difference in your income.

Tomorrow we are going to take a look at forum marketing.

Jeff Schuman graphic Take Care :-)


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Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126, USA

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